Track: Safety, Security and Privacy
Software safety and security & privacy are increasingly important as more and more software is embedded into our homes, cars, trains, airplanes and hospitals each day.
Most software developers have to consider safety and security & privacy requirements in their work these days to ensure that the systems around us will support our everyday lives and not harm us.
This Thematic Track focuses on the safety and security & privacy aspects of complex software systems. Papers describing how to effectively implement safety and/or security & privacy aspects to software system are invited.
The authors are invited to submit research results as well as practical experiment or deployment reports. Industrial papers about applications or case studies are also welcomed in different domains (e.g., telemedicine, critical infrastructures, mobile networks, embedded applications, etc.).
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Software safety and risk management
Software safety regulations and standards
Agile development in safety-critical software systems
Methods and tools in safety-critical software systems
Quality metrics for safety and security
Security models and security policies
Intrusion detection
Security testing and monitoring
Cloud, IoT and Big Data security
Attacks tolerance and resilience
Security and risk assesment
Distributed systems security
SLAs for safety, security and privacy
Digital privacy
Case studies
Chair: Ana Rosa Cavalli, Institut Polytechnique Paris/ Telecom SudParis, France
Program Committee:
Joaquin Garcia Alfaro, Institut Polytechnique Paris/ Telecom SudParis, France
Alessandra Bagnato, Softeam, France
Nora Cuppens, Polytechnique Montreal , Canada
Fréderic Cuppens, Polytechnique Montreal , Canada
Valentina Casola, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy
Yvon Kemarrec, IMT Atlantique, France
Wissam Mallouli , Montimage, France
Hector Menendez, Middlesex University London, UK
Edgardo Montes de Oca, Montimage, France
Erkuden Rios Velasco, Tecnalia, Spain
Fatiha Zaidi, Université Paris-Sud XI , France
Ana Rosa Cavalli has obtained her Doctorat d'Etat es Mathematics Science and Informatics, from the University of Paris VII, in 1984. In 1981, she integrated the LITP ((Laboratoire d'Informatique Théorique et Programmation), C.N.R.S., Paris, where she worked on proof methods for temporal logics and their application to communication protocols. From 1985 to 1990, she was a researcher in the department Languages and Switch Systems, at CNET (Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications – France Télécom), where she worked on software engineering and formal methods. She has been professor at TELECOM SudParis since 1990, and director of the Software-Networks department from 2005 to 2015. She is also a member of the research laboratory CNRS SAMOVAR. Her research interests are on specification and verification, testing methodologies for conformance and interoperability testing, active testing and monitoring techniques, the validation of security properties and their application to services and protocols. She has been the leader of the European Marie Curie network TAROT (Training and Research on Testing) and participates to several national and international projects: ASK IT, NetLab, POLITESS, WebMov, SHIELDS, CARRIOCAS, Robust Testing, DIAMONDS, NOTTS, HIPNQSIS, MEASURE.