Call for Sponsors
We are currently in the process of inviting a few renowned entities to collaborate in this event through active participation or sponsorship and support. We established four levels of engagement, each with different roles and benefits, as presented in the table of the following page. We also consider the possibility of sponsorship opportunities for the event for group accesses, for more than six people, Business Day and/or QUATIC 2020, as well as sponsoring the event by offering one of the amenities (coffee breaks, lunches, special accommodation and transportation conditions of participants, social events).
Due to the current situation of global crisis arising from the Covid-19 epidemic, the conference organization decided to hold the conference in person (1st option) or, if this modality is not possible, online (2nd option); this decision will be taken at the end of next June and communicated to all involved. The organization will refund 40% of the amount of the sponsorship if the conference goes online.
Please read the full Call for Sponsors here .